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Accomplishments are a lifelong benefit to their possessor | ヴァイオリン掲示板

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雑談・その他 11 Comments

Accomplishments are a lifelong benefit to their possessor

投稿日時:2008年08月21日 22:32
Contention1 You must be narrow situation and long situation and
         enjoyable situation

Contention 2 Golf must be learned by professional

Contention 3 Accomplishments are a lifelong benefit to their

Contention 4 Continuation is the best way of skill

Contention 5 Lesson is the decided way
Piano is Bayer(Germany) and Methode Rose(France)
Violin is Hohmann(Germany), Kayser
and Suzuki method or Shinozaki method or New violin method
(Atarashii violin kyouhon)
Suzuki is for college of music and hobby
Shinozaki is for hobby
Atarashii is for hobby
3 way of method in Japan
Suzuki method school is only Suzuki method so you can't read the music score.
Suzuki is Yamaha dupty school or private lesson
Suzuki is Suzuki method and Etude(Hohmann Kayser)
You can read the music score.

Welcome to my homepage.
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Re: Accomplishments are a lifelong benefit to their possessor

投稿日時:2008年08月25日 19:42

Re: Accomplishments are a lifelong benefit to their possessor

投稿日時:2008年08月25日 21:08
Mr. rio,
>know little...
I want to tell you-know-who your words.
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